Inspired by some exploration of the world.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Economies of scale and waste

I used to feel guilty about wasting foods. But I believe this sense of guilt, combined with the wonders of economies of scale, is at least partly to blame for the amount of obesity in our country. So recently, I have been teaching myself to enjoy wasting food or beverage when I know it would be overkill to eat or drink it all. For example, this morning, I dumped half a cup of coffee down the sink. (It was half-gleeful, still half cringe-ful, I admit.)
I guess they call this process of deliberately, consciously re-teaching what is "good" "cognitive behavioral therapy," and it can also be used, (like music), to close the gaps between tribes.


ellie said...

Wouldn't it be more enjoyable to eat it later than throw it away?

You could put the coffee in the fridge, microwave it later, and get a second round of enjoyment out of it even better than the joy of tossing it out, while still not overindulging.

Demers said...

It's not good microwaved. But I appreciate your recycling-orientation and agree that "save-for-later" is also good CBT practice.

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Student at NYU, pursuing a PhD in economics.