Inspired by some exploration of the world.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010



To apply to college, I wrote about four or five bad essays. They were all bad. I got accepted to one school, despite the essays, because I met some cutoffs on grades and standardized test score. (That essay, which I sent to dear old state, was about chaos theory, and the admissions lady told my guidance counselor the essay was also chaos.)

One of the essays became common knowledge among the underclassmen at my high school. I guess one of the english teachers showed it to them as an example of what not to do. But I was proud of my essay about being a dog.

Why the topic? A friend's dog had just had surgery and was wearing one of those white cones. Curious, I had taken the cone when the dog wasn't using it, and tried it on for a bit. This fifteen-second experience became a college essay. That school politely declined me.

But apparently, now there is a whole book called "Inside of a Dog." It's getting good reviews. I knew it was an interesting topic. "[W]e reside within our own umwelt, our own self-world bubble, which clouds our vision." So walk a mile in someone else's paws sometimes...

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Student at NYU, pursuing a PhD in economics.